Hi there on a very snowy Thursday here in Fort St. John, BC. It started snowing yesterday morning and is still going strong! We’re really into winter now, and only 3 more months to go – LOL! Ah well, it’s normal for this part of the country so I’m trying not to complain to loudly.
Cold and snowy weather means extra time in my stamp room and I’ve been getting ready for the Christmas Gift Tag class that I have scheduled for Tuesday, December 11.
These are just 5 of the 10 tags we will be making and I had fun with designer paper scraps! Check out the “naughty” tag. It was created using the new Free Digital Designer Template, “For You from Us” that was released on Tuesday. Check out the details on this post.
Each gift needs a special tag, so hurry and sign up for this class to reserve your seat. Cost is $20.00 to create 10 gift tags. I’m excited to stamp with you!