Good Morning;
It is another bright and clear day in Fort St. John, BC and the snow is quickly disappearing, a sure sign that spring is on it’s way.
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2AM Sunday morning, so don’t forget to set your clocks 1 hour ahead when you go to bed tonight. While most people will be doing just that, we here in the Peace River Area of British Columbia, will not. For years now this area has opted to keep their clocks set at the same time all year long. So, we will stay the same while all areas around us will change.
I “googled” Daylight Savings Time” and found some interesting information at this site here. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin first suggested this concept in 1784, but it wasn’t until the First World War that Daylight Savings Time actually began? Check out the website for more interesting information.
We are spending time with our Grandchildren this weekend, so I won’t be posting again until Monday. You all have a great weekend and, May the Luck ‘O the Irish be with you!